It’s all about the journey.

Three years ago, The Space opened its doors. At the time, it was just a trial, a dream, to have a dedicated yoga space in Raglan. We didn’t know if it could fly. There were doubts… Did Raglan have enough people interested in yoga? Could a yoga studio open up right above a night club? Could we run as a collective? Could we pay our rent??

There were limitations. Ironically, there wasn’t heaps of space at The Space. Our taller yogis (ahem) had to make sure they placed their mats at one side of the room. Raglan had never had a public yoga space. There wasn’t anything to model after. We had no idea what was doable.

But we had dreams… to share our love of yoga in a safe space. To share the workload and decision making (and the rent) as a yoga collective, rather than a business. To make yoga accessible, community-spirited and to make people feel good.

So we took the first steps. Inspired by Patti Mitchley, six yoga teachers got together and made a pile of all our favorite woolen blankets. We scrubbed the floors, and then put our offerings out in the world We found out that it was more than possible. We took some walls down along the way. Some of us moved on. We met our yoga community. And we made it work. We even made the “that's not going to work” stuff work.  That's what yoga does - it builds capacity.

Thanks to everyone who has been a part of the last three years. Thousands of students have come through our doors. A multitudinous number of breaths have nourished those bodies, and the Space, and the world around us.

“Yoga is not about touching your toes… it’s about what you learn on the way down”


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