Dear Space Community,

We transition into the traffic light system, aka the covid protection framework this Friday (3rd Dec). Whilst our core values are very much challenged by the impending changes, we are able to continue to offer pilates and yoga classes. To do this, we must follow government guidelines & the framework provided to us.

We will deliver classes in person at the studio, as well as continuing to offer online streaming via zoom and outdoor sessions. From Friday 3rd December, it will be compulsory to provide a vaccination certificate (CVC) to book into classes at the studio.

Please bring your vaccination passport to your next class, or email a screenshot to us (which we will record and delete). You can get it ready now using this resource. We will sight or scan your CVC & record the expiry, so you should only need to do this once. Gym members will need to provide CVC’s directly to us, even if they have already been presented to the gym staff.

Zoom classes will continue, and we’ll do our best to offer outdoor classes during the fine weather. Bethany is offering a beautiful class on Thursday evenings at Koru Lodge, and we will continue to adapt our offerings to weather and changes in our environment. Let us know if you have any requests for outdoor or zoom classes.

Current pass holders:
If none of these options suit, we can hold or refund your remaining class credits. If possible, please let us know if you would like a refund before Christmas.

All class options will be updated regularly on our website so keep an eye on the timetable. Also, don’t forget about our free Vimeo library for pre-recorded yoga and pilates classes that you can do anytime. We’ll be adding more to it this week.

We acknowledge these changes are challenging - for each of us in different ways. Please stay kind & keep connected. We appreciate your ongoing support of The Space and our teachers and hope things can return to normal as swiftly as things have changed.

With deep gratitude,

The Space teachers